
Medical device design Consonance Is technology overriding design when it comes to medical products? Tech can be wrapped in a standard casing and the device is marketable. Or is it not? Along with the development of medical technology and medicine itself, doctors, and patients show more demands.
Effective and beautiful medical device design. Ultimate guide for Medtech! Time to read: 5 min
Technical feasibility study | MedTech | Consonance After 50+ MedTech projects delivered at Consonance we can tell one important piece of advice: it’s worth starting your MedTech innovation with technical feasibility study if you want to build the product faster, know risks, a timeline and REAL costs.
Technical feasibility study can save your MedTech project! Time to read: 5 min
MedTech Trends for 2022 | Consonance The MedTech sector and healthcare have faced two years of extreme difficulty. The burden on the health system or missing components for device manufacturing are just the beginning of a list that touches these two areas. But 2021 is over. Hard times create a great opportunity to build and deliver innovative services and technologies so let’s dive into the future.
MedTech trends for 2022. What comes next? Time to read: 5 min
Consonance Team CSR responsibility The Christmas season should mean something special. During that time we always want to do something good. How to match help with engineering? In December we decided to help not only financially but also in terms of skills. Our CSR activist, Krzysiek, suggested taking part in the “Szlachetna Paczka” project.
Medtech engineers have a big heart. How we helped during “Szlachetna Paczka”? Time to read: 5 min
Medical device or a healthcare gadget Consonance Medical gadgets belong to the broader category of consumer electronics related to bodily function and health management. Technologically innovative, they arouse interest primarily with their clever functions, compact size and modern design. Among them we find devices for relaxation, stress reduction and sleep monitoring, and those used in sports and recreation.
Medical device or a gadget. The difference explained Time to read: 5 min
Medical Device Design Consonance When launching a medical startup some might have a vision of a medical device on a store shelf. And that’s a good point to kick off. However medical projects are not as fast as lightning and both sites should think about it as a process that leads from that first perfect image to the certified medical product. 
Medical device design: smooth transition to production Time to read: 5 min
Pharmaceutical drugs and medical devices Many phenomena in the world around us are described using the exponential function. Why I think this could describe what’s happening on the drugs market and where is a win-win sitation for pharmaceutical companies and medical device engineers?
Pharmaceutical companies versus the exponential function Time to read: 5 min
satina1 Consonance has started a collaboration with one of Germany’s most innovative respiratory health companies. Consonance is assisting Satina Medical in the launch and development of the medical version of the device. We have carried out a Technical Feasibility Study of the product, including a comprehensive functional, technical and regulatory analysis. The cooperation is scheduled to continue in 2021.
Consonance supports Satina Medical in respiratory healthcare Time to read: 5 min
Polpharma and Consonance joined forces 2020 was a year of intensive cooperation with Polpharma Group. We conducted projects related to healthtech innovations in two therapeutic areas. Our services included ideation workshops and market analysis.
Polpharma Group and Consonance work on healthtech innovations Time to read: 5 min
Digital therapeutics in the era of COVID-19 Digital therapeutics (DTx) are clinically validated, innovative technologies that are also referred to as software-as-a-drug – software that works like a drug. Their arrival on the market has been recognized by the healthcare industry, but many pharmaceutical companies have questions about how DTx could support their core business. After several years on the market, is pandemic finally the point at which digital therapeutics are destined to thrive?
Digital therapeutics in the era of COVID-19: support and challenge for the healthcare sector Time to read: 5 min