
Consonance 2023 Clutch Global Award winner We proudly announce our recent accolade as a recipient of the esteemed 2023 Global Award for excellence in four categories on Clutch, the preeminent global B2B service provider marketplace. This distinguished honor is a reflection of our unwavering commitment to MedTech industry expertise and exceptional service delivery, as evidenced by the commendations derived from thousands of client reviews on the Clutch platform.
Consonance Recognized as a Clutch Global Leader for 2023 Time to read: 3 min
Ultimate Guide Technical Feasibility Study medical device development blog Consonance Welcome to a journey of exploration and innovation! In the realm of product development, particularly in the intricate landscape of technology and healthcare, a critical phase stands as the vanguard of success – the Technical Feasibility Study.
The Definitive Guide to Medical Device Feasibility Study Time to read: 3 min
Cardiovascular Technical Feasibility Study product requirements blog Consonance Medical device development and commercialization process is commonly described as a complex subject. Various experts in the field use abstract terminology and ideas to explain the processes of design, prototyping, quality management and manufacturing.
How to Identify Cardiovascular Product Functional Requirements? Time to read: 4 min
Feasibility study Holter simplifying medical device development Medical device development and commercialization process is commonly described as a complex subject. Various experts in the field use abstract terminology and ideas to explain the processes of design, prototyping, quality management and manufacturing.
e-Book: How to simplify medical device development? Time to read: 7 min
Identification and Traceability in MedTech manufacturing blog Consonance In the intricate world of MedTech manufacturing, precision and quality are paramount. Two fundamental concepts, identification and traceability, play a vital role in ensuring that medical devices meet the highest standards and regulatory requirements.
The Vital Connection: Identification and Traceability in MedTech Manufacturing Time to read: 5 min
NIL IN SUMMIT: Forum of the Supreme Medical Chamber for Medical Innovations On September 15-16, 2023, the Polish Forum for Medical Innovation – the Conference of the Network of Innovative Doctors of the Supreme Medical Chamber NIL IN SUMMIT will take place. International experts and representatives from the public sector will gather to discuss the best solutions for modern medicine and develop further directions for the healthcare sector’s development.
We partner NIL IN SUMMIT: Forum of the Supreme Medical Chamber Time to read: 5 min
Zero nonconformities Audit ISO 13485 Audit MDR “Nonconformities were not found – the procedure can be continued!” This seemingly simple sentence resonates with profound significance. It encapsulates a moment of triumph, a testament to dedication, and the embodiment of unwavering quality. At Consonance, we are thrilled to share our recent success in once again achieving certification by TUV Nord, affirming our commitment to excellence. The journey to certification is a path marked by meticulous scrutiny, stringent criteria, and unyielding standards.
Nonconformities were not found! 2023 audit passed! Time to read: 5 min
From Prototype to Production - The Medical Device Development Process Navigate the complex journey of bringing medical devices from prototype to production. Explore key stages, challenges, and regulatory considerations in this comprehensive guide to medical device development.
Navigating the Journey: From Prototype to Production – The Medical Device Development Process Time to read: 5 min
Medical device manufacturing costs and balancing innovation In the realm of medical advancements, where innovation meets precision, the complexities of medical device manufacturing costs become apparent. Behind every cutting-edge device lies a tapestry of influencing factors that determine its final price tag.
Decoding Medical Device Manufacturing Costs: Unveiling the Influential Factors Time to read: 5 min
Dental Market startups Consonance The dental industry as other medical fields is constantly evolving, and of course there are several opportunities for startups to innovate and disrupt the market. Let’s check some of them! The integration of digital technology in dentistry has opened up new possibilities for improved diagnostics, treatment planning, and patient care.
Dental products market – is there a space for startups? Time to read: 5 min